Plus, the art of matchmaking.
People in relationships automatically assume that everyone should be as happy, encumbered and permanently walking on eggshells as them. To that end, they go out of their way to play matchmaker. Feel free to set up your friends, but you need to know a few tricks of the trade to make sure they hook up with Mr. Wonderful and not Mr. Wonderfoul. (Glo)
More from YourTango: Contest: We Are Looking For The Next Engagement Chicken!
The big danger of dating someone with kids is managing your relationship with their kids. But what do you do when you drop the guy, but still love his kids? (Babble)
Urban coyotes mate for life. Urban cowboys? Not so much. (Huffington Post)
What happens when a good guy likes porn a leeeetle too much? He probably spends a lot of time shaving his palms? (Good Men Project)
Ho-hum, another Brazilian woman is auctioning off her v-card. (TruTV)
Crashing a wedding = awesome. Stealing $10K worth of wedding gifts from that wedding = not cool, bro. (Huffington Post)
Is he washing his hair on a Friday night? 8 signs he's blowing you off. #NotThatIntoYou (The Stir)
Reclaim the walk of shame. Make it a sexy strut. (College Candy)
Can men dress slutty in the office? (The Gloss)
Some people think Dr. Drew stepped in it a bit regarding domestic violence. (The Frisky)
Prepare for some serious 'splainin'? 3 great love lessons from I Love Lucy. (HowAboutWe)
The 4 biggest financial sticking points in burgeoning relationships. (eHarmony)
2012 is the year of the kinky movie. Enjoy The Master, The Paperboy, On The Road, The Sessions, Shame and that movie where Bill Murray plays FDR. (The Daily Beast)
More from YourTango: U.S. 'Falls Short' On World Penis Map
And, how moola issues are ruining your marriage. (LearnVest)
More juicy love content from YourTango:
Source: http://www.yourtango.com/2012162217/love-bytes-how-get-set-right-way
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